“Engage students with activities that have a low mathematical floor, allowing engagement with minimal prerequisite mathematical knowledge; and a high mathematical ceiling, so that concepts and relationships may be extended to more complex connections and more varied representations.”

“Sharing mathematical thinking “enhances the sense of audience, motivating and giving purpose to students’ learning; creates school-community links by opening public windows into school learning; and provides an opportunity for students to give voice to their mathematical identity”

– George Gadanidis, Western University (2012)



Aurasma - CT.pptx
Aurasma CT (PDF)
Exploring the Impact of Varying Levels of Augmented Reality to Teach Probability and Sampling with a Mobile Device


Augmented Reality – Artificial Reality · June 23, 2016 at 4:31 am

[…] the full article, click here. @mraspinall: “Engage students with Augmented Reality math activities like this one! Please […]

Augmented Reality | Espace créatif en bi... · November 28, 2016 at 1:52 pm

[…] "“Engage students with activities that have a low mathematical floor, allowing engagement with minimal prerequisite mathematical knowledge; and a high mathematical ceiling, so that concepts and relationships may be extended to more complex connections and more varied representations.” “Sharing mathematical thinking “enhances the sense of audience, motivating and giving purpose to students’ learning; creates school-community links by opening public windows into school learning; and provides an opportunity for students to give voice to their mathematical identity” – George Gadanidis, Western University (2012)"  […]